Thursday, August 27, 2009

Max's Advocate

Dear Mr. Blogger - 
Upon discovering Sarah's Blog, I remembered that I had one of my own, many moons ago. After many attempts at remembering which e-mail adress it was registered under, and what my password was, I was horrified to find this little relic. Maybe not horrifed - probably just that feeling of "Oh yeah, that was me at 15, wasn't it?". 
Now I'm much much older (19), cleverer, and just starting to feed some of my interests. I got a cat, got engaged, moved out, got a camera, and got dumped. Things are changing... not for the better, at the moment, but I know they will be soon. Now's when I'm getting over a false start. 
Expect lots of photographs, Egyptology, hyper-enthused posts on opera, scattered pessimism, trips to Boston, a growing admiration for plants, The Stone Church Music Club, my Stitch-and-Bitch group, and pumpernickel bagels.
Dirichlet's Drawer Principal:
The principle, that if a very large set of elements is partitioned into a small number of blocks, then at least one block contains a rather large number of elements. Also known as the Pigeonhole Principal, it basically means that if you have three children, two have to be the same gender. While it has no love for hermaphrodites, I like it, and I like the sound of it, so it's the header for a while, 'till I find the next thing that sounds nice. 
See you soon.